王昭,吴中恒,李丽霞" /> 面状符号注记配置:一种几何信息熵方法


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  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2011-12-28 发布日期:2019-01-01

Automatic Placement of Annotation in Area Feature:
A Metric Information Approach

WANG Zhao,WU Zhong-heng, LI Li-xia   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2011-12-28 Published:2019-01-01

摘要: 注记配置直接影响了GIS地图制图子系统的显示效果,其中面状注记配置的首要问题是寻找注记配置点。本文认为面状注记配置的实质是二维符号的“降维处理”,亦即使用低维符号(0维配置点或1维配置线)表达高维(2维)符号的主要特征。通过基于图形认知的推导,本文认为注记配置位置应使得其与面状符号边界竞争形成的Voronoi图形内部面积最大。由于该原则可由Li&Huang提出的几何信息量阐明,因此在Li&Huang信息量量测方法集上,引入“熵心”、“双熵心”、“熵线”的概念,提出了基于几何信息量的面状符号注记配置方案。实例证明,该方法配置效果良好。

Abstract: lacement of annotation affects the Cartographic subsystem of GIS directly, whose most important issue for area feature is where the annotation places. This paper argues that the essence of automatic placement of annotation in area feature is one of ‘reducing dimension processing’ for 2-D symbols, i.e. the low-dimensional symbols (placement point of 0- dimension or placement line of 1-dimension) is used to describe the main characteristics of the high-dimensional symbols (area feature of 2-dimension). Via deduction based on geometrical graphics-cognitive, this paper puts forward that the placement position of annotation in area feature should make the area of internal Voronoi-cell maximum, that Voronoi diagram generated between the border of area feature and placement candidate. Because the principles can be stated by Li & Huang’s geometric information, then, on the set of quantitative measures proposed by Li&Huang, the concepts of ‘Entropy Center’, ‘ Double Entropy Centers’ and ‘Entropy Line’ have been introduced. Finally, an algorithm of automatic placement in area feature, of cause, based on (geo)metric information, has been proposed. This paper provides that algorithm has been put in to practice and gets better effect than some other optimal labeling algorithms.