李精忠  艾廷华 王 洪" /> Li JingZhong, Ai Tinghua , Wang Hong" /> <DIV align=center><B>一种基于谷地填充的DEM综合方法</B></DIV>


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李精忠  艾廷华 王 洪   

  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2011-12-28 发布日期:2019-01-01

The DEM Generalization Based on the Filling Valley Coverage

Li JingZhong, Ai Tinghua , Wang Hong   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2011-12-28 Published:2019-01-01

摘要: DEM数据的综合应顾及谷地、山脊等地形特征的分布和地貌类型的保持,一个基本原则是数据化简后地形特征结构化信息应尽可能保持。传统的DEM综合方法以图像处理算法为基础(如低通滤波器),未能顾及山体、谷地等地形特征的分布,其综合结果往往歪曲地表的主体结构。本文以谷地特征结构识别为基础,提出一种基于谷地填充的DEM结构化综合方法,该方法以地理重要性作为谷地取舍的依据,对被舍弃的次要谷地沿其谷底线法线族填充其覆盖区域,从而使局部地形变得平滑,实现DEM综合。本研究通过实验及与其他DEM综合方法的比较,发现本方法能够较好地保持地形特征的主体结构,符合空间认知和制图综合的基本规律。


As an important terrain representation model, DEM usually needs to be generalized at multi-resolution adaptable to different level applications. DEM data directly represents the elevation of individual grid and indirectly depicts the hidden landform features such as valley, ridge, saddle, pit and peak. These landform features play significant roles in terrain generalization. Traditionally DEM generalization is just based on image processing by resample or low-pass frequency analysis methods without considering the distribution of landform features. This study develops a method to generalize DEM data based on the simplification of valley system. In this structured generalization approach, the valley information is firstly extracted and then based on the characteristics of valley catchment, the DEM generalization is conducted by two steps: geographic decision and geometric operation. According to the hydrological significance, unimportant valley branches are detected and the corresponding coverage is filled by raising the terrain to make the terrain surface smooth. In contrast to the conventional algorithms based on the image processing, this method is able to preserve the main geographical characteristics more effectively in terrain representation.