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  • 收稿日期:2009-12-28 修回日期:2010-04-13 出版日期:2011-02-25 发布日期:2011-02-25
  • 通讯作者: 占文凤

Spatial Simulation of Urban Heat Island Intensity Based on Support Vector Machine Technique: A Case Study in Beijing

  • Received:2009-12-28 Revised:2010-04-13 Online:2011-02-25 Published:2011-02-25
  • Contact: ZHAN Wen-Feng

摘要: 城市热岛强度的曲面模拟为深入分析城市热岛的空间格局、形态及演变特征提供了有力保证。将支持向量机(SVM)曲面拟合算法引入城市热岛曲面模拟研究,以MODIS的地表温度产品(LST)数据为例,对2006~2008年北京地区城市热岛强度进行支持向量机(SVM)曲面拟合。敏感性分析和精度评价表明该算法精度较高,能够用来表征城市热岛的空间格局。凭借该算法可对城市地表温度热岛制图。应用结果表明北京地区白天城市热岛强度与乡村背景温度呈现正相关的弱线性关系,夜间恰好相反。白天和夜间城市热岛容量均大致服从正弦周期性变化规律,但夜间热岛容量的年较差远小于白天。

Abstract: Surface fitting of Urban Heat Island (UHI) intensity provides a strong promise for deeply analyzing the spatial pattern, morphology and the evolution features of UHI. The surface fitting algorithm based on the support vector machine (SVM) technique was introduced. With the LST (Land Surface Temperature) products from MODIS and after elimination of the data covered by clouds, 757 imageries (274 and 483 ones for day and night, respectively) in Beijing metropolitan area from the year 2006 to 2008 were fitted one by one using SVM. The sensitivity analysis and accuracy assessment both indicate that this algorithm is of high accuracy and capable to be used in depicting the spatial pattern of UHI. Furthermore, by virtue of it, mapping of urban surface temperature becomes possible. The application results also show that, during daytime, the UHI intensity in Beijing is weakly and positively correlated with its rural background temperatures linearly; while during nighttime, the circumstance is on the opposite side. In addition, from an annually perspective, UHI capacities during daytime and nighttime in time series are both generally subjected to periodic sinusoidal variation; however, the amplitude of annual variation of UHI capacity during nighttime is far less than that during daytime. This is because different driving factors dominate different patterns of UHI temporally and spatially in distinct seasons and illumination conditions. The support vector machine (SVM) fitting of UHI intensity model presented in this paper pays more attention on the overall spatial features of UHI approximately, while ignoring the noise caused by random factors and the details of a weak surface temperature change; hence it is a powerful tool for investigating the spatial pattern of temperature distribution in the analysis of urban thermal environment.