
• 学术论文 •    



  1. 1. 海军工程大学
    2. 海军工程大学导航工程系
  • 收稿日期:2008-09-26 修回日期:2009-06-14 出版日期:2009-10-22 发布日期:2009-10-22
  • 通讯作者: 王志刚

Local Gravity Field Model Based Underwater Gravity Aided Inertial Navigation

WANG Zhi-Gang 1,Shaofeng Bian2   

  1. 1. Naval University of Engineering
  • Received:2008-09-26 Revised:2009-06-14 Online:2009-10-22 Published:2009-10-22
  • Contact: WANG Zhi-Gang

摘要: 利用卡尔曼滤波实现水下重力辅助惯性导航,需要对重力量测值及其误差建模,为此本文提出一种基于局部地球重力场模型的水下重力辅助导航新模式。文章首先介绍了一种利用快速傅立叶拟合技术建立的连续局部重力场模型,随后在该模型的基础上,将测量重力与惯导指示重力之差表示为连续的解析形式,最后以重力差作为包含惯导位置误差的量测值,结合扩展卡尔曼滤波算法对惯导位置误差进行最优估计。以分辨率为2′ 2′的某区域重力异常数据为背景场进行仿真,局部重力场模型的平均误差小于0.1331mGal,潜器的平均经纬定位误差分别小于0.1975和0.2499海里。

Abstract: In order to inplementing underwater gravity aided inertial navigation on Kalman filter, the modeling of gravity measurements and their errors is requred. Due to that background a new pattern of gavity aided navigation which is based on local gravity field modeling is given in this paper. In this paper, a fast Fourier series based local gravity field modeling is firstly introduced, and by which the difference between measured gravity and indicated gravity is then expressed as continual analytical equation. After that, the extended Kalman filter is introduced, with the gravity difference used as measurement, to optimum estimate the position error of INS. At the end of this paper a simulation is done on gravity anomaly database, and form the results we can see that the mean error of local gravity field modeling is less than 0.1331mGal, and the mean location error in longitude and latitude is 0.1975 and 0.2499 nautical mile respectively.