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    20 March 2019, Volume 48 Issue 3
    Geodesy and Navigation
    BDS-3 satellite orbit and clock determination with one-way inter-satellite pseudorange and monitoring station data
    RUAN Rengui, WEI Ziqing, JIA Xiaolin
    2019, 48(3):  269-275.  doi:10.11947/j.AGCS.2019.20180483
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    In this paper,BDS-3 satellite orbits and clock offsets are determined by using the original one-way inter-satellite-link (ISL) pseudorange data together with the carrier phase and pseudorange data of ground monitoring stations. The satellite clock offsets are expressed by piecewise polynomial with appropriate piecewise intervals (e.g. 1 min), thus the non-simultaneously observed one-way ISL pseudorange data can be processed directly. Experiments of orbit determination and clock estimation for BDS-3 satellites with observation data from 6 iGMAS stations in China and ISL pseudorange data are carried out. The results show that the RMS of the overlapping orbit differences in R, T and N directions are 0.078, 0.321 and 0.375 m, respectively. The RMS and STD of the overlapping clock differences of satellite are 0.589 and 0.519 ns, respectively. Compared with the results obtained with only data from monitoring stations, the improvements of orbit and clock exceed 80% and 60% respectively. The average RMS of one-way ISL pseudo-range residuals is 0.083 m, and the stability of estimated hardware delay bias for transmitting and receiving ISL equipment is 0.53 and 0.72 ns on average, respectively.

    Applicability of Bevis formula at different height level and global weighted mean temperature model based on near-earth atmospheric temperature
    YAO Yibin, SUN Zhangyu, XU Chaoqian
    2019, 48(3):  276-285.  doi:10.11947/j.AGCS.2019.20180160
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    Weighted mean temperature is a critical parameter in GNSS technology to retrieve precipitable water vapor (PWV). It is convenient to obtain high-accuracy Tm estimation near surface utilizing Bevis formula and surface temperature. However, some researches pointed out that the Bevis formula has large uncertainties in high-altitude regions. This paper researches the applicability of Bevis formula at different height levels and finds that the Bevis formula has relatively high precision when the altitude is low, while with altitude increasing, the precision decreases gradually. To solve the problem, this paper studies the relationship between Tm and atmospheric temperature of the near-earth space range (the height range between 0~10 km) and finds that they have high correlation on a global scale. Accordingly, this paper builds a global weighted mean temperature model based on near-earth atmospheric temperature. Validation results of the model show that this model can provide high-accuracy Tm estimation at any height level in the near-earth space range.

    A two-step estimation method of troposphere delay with consideration of mapping function errors
    FAN Haopeng, SUN Zhongmiao, ZHANG Liping, LIU Xiaogang
    2019, 48(3):  286-294.  doi:10.11947/j.AGCS.2019.20180306
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    Mapping function errors are usually not taken into consideration, when space geodetic data observed by VLBI, GNSS and some other techniques are utilized to estimate troposphere delay, which could, however, probably bring non-ignorable errors to solutions. After analyzing the variation of mapping function errors with elevation angles based on several-year meteorological data, this paper constructed a model of this error and then proposed a two-step estimation method of troposphere delay with consideration of mapping function errors. The experimental results indicate that the method puted forward by this paper could reduce the slant path delay residuals efficiently and improve the estimation accuracy of wet tropospheric delay to some extent.

    Adaptive robust filtering algorithm for BDS medium and long baseline three carrier ambiguity resolution
    GAO Yangjun, LÜ Zhiwei, ZHOU Pengjin, JIA Zhengyang, ZHANG Lundong, CONG Dianwei
    2019, 48(3):  295-302.  doi:10.11947/j.AGCS.2019.20180379
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    For classical TCAR(three carrier ambiguity resolution) algorithm is affected by ionospheric delay and measurement noise, it is difficult to reliably fix ambiguity at medium and long baselines. An improved TCAR algorithm which takes the influence of ionospheric delay into account and has good adaptive robustness is proposed. On the basis of non-geometric TCAR model, ionospheric delay is obtained by linearly combining extra-wide-lane with fixed ambiguity, and then wide-lane ambiguity is solved.Solving narrow-lane ambiguity by adaptive robust filtering by constructing optimal combination observation, which can effectively improve fixed success rate of narrow-lane ambiguity and reduce the adverse effects of gross error. Experimental results show that improved TCAR algorithm can guarantee high fixed correct rate of wide-lane ambiguity, effectively improve fixed success rate of narrow-lane ambiguity, and has good ability to resist gross error.

    Applicability analysis of the approximate model of the Earth with the arrangement of INS in polar region
    LIN Xiuxiu, BIAN Hongwei, MA Heng, WANG Rongying
    2019, 48(3):  303-312.  doi:10.11947/j.AGCS.2019.20180073
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    The arrangement of horizontal coordinate system based on the Earth's second approximate ellipsoid model is complicated in polar region, the arrangement itself has the principle error, While the first approximate sphere model has geometric errors, it has simple arrangement in polar regions, and the geometric error is smaller than that in the middle and low latitudes. The selection of the Earth model is becoming more and more prominent with the intensive study of the inertial navigation in polar region. To solve this problem, based on the definition of the Earth approximate model, the system error equations of SINS based on the first approximate model of the Earth is derived. Then comparing the inertial error of the Earth approximate model with the simulation and analyzing the applicability of the Earth approximate model. The simulation results show that the geometric errors of the first approximate model will accumulate with time, while the errors of the second approximate model change little with time. When the inertial navigation run in a long time, the first approximate model of the Earth is no longer suitable for polar area.

    Global fine registration of point cloud in LiDAR SLAM based on pose graph
    YAN Li, DAI Jicheng, TAN Junxiang, LIU Hua, CHEN Changjun
    2019, 48(3):  313-321.  doi:10.11947/j.AGCS.2019.20170716
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    The laser scanning system based on simultaneous localization and mapping(SLAM) technology has the advantages of low cost and high efficiency. It has drawn wide attention in the field of surveying and mapping in recent years.Although real-time data acquisition can be achieved using SLAM technology, the precision of the data can't be ensured, and inconsistency exists in the acquired point cloud. In order to improve the precision of the point cloud obtained by this kind of system,this paper presents a hierarchical point cloud global optimization algorithm. Firstly, the "point-to-plane" Iterative closest point algorithm (ICP) is used to match the overlapping point clouds to form constraints between the trajectories of the scanning system.Then a pose graph is constructed to optimize the trajectory. Finally,the optimized trajectory is used to refine the point cloud. The computational efficiency is improved by decomposing the optimization process into two levels, i.e. local level and global level. The experimental results show that the RMSE of the distance between the corresponding points in overlapping areas is reduced by about 50% after optimization, and the internal inconsistency is effectively eliminated.
    A hybrid conjugate gradient algorithm for solving relative orientation of big rotation angle stereo pair
    LI Jiatian, WANG Congcong, JIA Chenglin, NIU Yiru, WANG Yu, ZHANG Wenjing, WU Huajing, LI Jian
    2019, 48(3):  322-329.  doi:10.11947/j.AGCS.2019.20170672
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    The fast convergence without initial value dependence is the key of large angle relative directional solution. Therefore, a hybrid conjugate gradient algorithm is proposed in this paper. The concrete process is:① stochastic hill climbing(SHC) algorithm is used to make random disturbance to the given initial value of the relative directional element, and the new value to guarantee the optimization direction is generated; ② In local optimization, super-linear convergent conjugate gradient method is used to replace the steepest descent method in relative orientation to improve its convergence rate; ③ The global convergence condition is that the calculation error is less than the prescribed limit error. The comparison experiment shows that the method proposed in this paper is independent of initial value, has higher accuracy and fewer iterations.
    An road extraction method for remote sensing image based on Encoder-Decoder network
    HE Hao, WANG Shicheng, YANG Dongfang, WANG Shuyang, LIU Xing
    2019, 48(3):  330-338.  doi:10.11947/j.AGCS.2019.20180005
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    According to the characteristics of the road features, an Encoder-Decoder deep semantic segmentation network is designed for road extraction of remote sensing images. Firstly, as the features of the road target are rich in local details and simple in semantic features, an Encoder-Decoder network with shallow layers and high resolution is designed to improve the ability of representing detail information. Secondly, as the road area is small proportion in remote sensing images, the cross-entropy loss function is improved, which solves the imbalance between positive and negative samples in training process. Experiments on large road extraction dataset show that, the proposed method gets the recall rate 83.9%, precision 82.5% and F1-score 82.9%, which can extract the road targets in remote sensing images completely and accurately. The Encoder-Decoder network designed in this paper performs well in road extraction task and needs less artificial participation, so it has a good application prospect.
    Coseismic displacements of 2016 MW7.8 Kaikoura, New Zealand earthquake, using Sentinel-2 optical images
    HE Lijia, FENG Guangcai, FENG Zhixiong, GAO Hua
    2019, 48(3):  339-351.  doi:10.11947/j.AGCS.2019.20170671
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    Optical imagery has been widely applied to monitor the earth surface changes. Sentinel-2 satellite constellation launched lately, provides optical images with short revisit cycle, high spatial resolution, large coverage and free accessibility. Thus it has great potential in surface deformation mornitoring. Based on the coregistration of optically sensed images and correlation (COSI-Corr) software package, we obtained the ground deformation field of the 2016 MW7.8 Kaikoura, New Zealand Earthquake from the multi-temporal Sentinel-2 data, using the sub-pixel cross-correlation technique. We systematically analyzed the system error sources of Sentinel-2 image pairs and proposed a modified subtraction method to mitigate the satellite attitude jitter distortions in the deformation field. Then, we compared the results of four bands(Band 2/3/4/8)with the spatial resolution of 10-meter and the statistic results show that Band8 is the optimum band for ground deformation monitoring. Moreover, we mapped the coseismic displacement field of the earthquake from Sentinel-2 optical images, and analyzed the slip distribution along the major faults. The results indicate that the maximum horizontal slip is up to 10 meters. For accuracy evaluation, we also calculated the coseismic displacement field of this event using the Landsat8 panchromatic images. The results indicate that Sentinel-2 has higher precision for the ground deformations monitoring. This research provides a good reference for the application of the Sentinel-2 optical images in future.
    An algorithm for the estimation of point spread function based on curve edge of arbitrary shape
    LI Zhenwei, CUI Guozhong, GUO Congzhou, LIU Yang
    2019, 48(3):  352-362.  doi:10.11947/j.AGCS.2019.20170708
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    The estimation of point spread function of remote sensing images is the necessary premise to improve the quality and to reduce the optical blur. The oblique straight edge method is greatly limited by the target. Though existing curve edge methods overcome the drawback that the oblique edge methods can only be applied to the straight edges, but will result in large estimation value error because of the stretching coordinate. An curve edge method of arbitrary shape based on the edge method of projection is proposed using the idea of moving windows. And the feasibility is explained theoretically. In the process of experimental verification, the proposed method first fits the edge points linearly, then uses the projection method to sample the gray values of the rows or columns in a selected window and aligned the sampling centers of different windows, finally estimates the point spread function using interpolation and resampling after eliminating the improper sampling points. For the edges with curvatures from 0.001 to 0.01, the peak signal-to-noise ratio can still stay above 35 dB even though under strong blur. The error of peak of the point spread function can be controlled within 20%. Compared with the traditional edge method and curve fitting method, our method has better results for all kinds of curves that the average peak signal-to-noise ratio can be improved by more than 10 dB, and has somewhat anti-noise performance.
    An automatic recognition and processing method for agglomeration area in aggregated area groups
    LI Chengming, YIN Yong, WU Pengda, LIU Xiaoli
    2019, 48(3):  363-373.  doi:10.11947/j.AGCS.2019.20180056
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    Agglomeration operation is a core component of the automated generalization of aggregated area groups with adjacent and compact features. However, the traditional methods are limited to the general conceptual level and cannot support intelligent computer processing. So this paper proposed an automatic recognition and processing method for agglomeration areas in aggregated area groups. Firstly, the bridging area width index (WI), distribution pattern index (DPI), effective connection index (ECI) and overlap index (OI), which represent the typical characteristics of agglomeration area are summarized based on the Gestalt principle, then the agglomeration areas are identified automatically. Secondly, two key algorithms of agglomeration are optimized to achieve automatic processing, including external boundary outlines computation and agglomeration line extraction. Finally, the reliability and efficiency of the proposed method have been validated by using the actual data of topographic map in a typical area of Jiangsu province.
    Precision global DEM generation based on adaptive surface filter and Poisson terrain editing
    HU Han, DING Yulin, ZHU Qing, JIANG Jie, WEN Xuehu, ZHANG Li, TANG Wei, YANG Jun, ZHONG Ruofei
    2019, 48(3):  374-383.  doi:10.11947/j.AGCS.2019.20180010
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    Precision and high-resolution global DEM composes the fundamental basis of the spatial data infrastructure for a variety of applications. To obtain high precision global DEM using domestic high-resolution satellite images, is one of the most important requirements for the construction of global geographic information resources of China. However, due to the complexity of the structure of terrain surface, a single set of parameters is not capable to handle the intricacies of the ground characteristics, which leads to decreasing of accuracies. Aiming at solving this problem, this paper proposes an adaptive surface filter for automatic terrain filtering and Poisson terrain editing for post processing and quality control. The two contributions have been extended to the software framework, LINK, for the global DEM production. Experiments and production works by several departments, including the Sichuan, Heilongjiang, Shanxi, Hainan, Chongqing Bureau of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation, have revealed that the DEM quality satisfies with the standard set, including various difficult scenarios, such as building high-rise areas, forest and water body. The quality and efficiency of the proposed method exceed other competitive solutions, which indicates a strong potential for the on-going global DEM production of China.
    Euclidean distance transform on the sea based on cellular automata modeling
    WANG Jiasheng, YANG Kun, ZHU Yanhui, XIONG Jianhong
    2019, 48(3):  384-392.  doi:10.11947/j.AGCS.2019.20170477
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    To explore the problem of distance transformations while obstacle existing, this paper presents an obstacle-avoiding Euclidean distance transform method based on cellular automata. This research took the South China Sea as an example, imported the data of land-sea distribution and target points, took the length of the shortest obstacle-avoiding path from current cell to the target cells as the state of a cellular, designed the state transform rule of each cellular that considering a distance operator, then simulated the propagation of obstacle-avoiding distance, and got the result raster of obstacle-avoiding distance transform. After analyzing the effect and precision of obstacle avoiding, we reached the following conclusions:first, the presented method can visually and dynamically show the process of obstacle-avoiding distance transform, can automate calculate the shortest distance bypass the land; second, the method has auto update mechanism, each cellular can rectify distance value according to its neighbor cellular during the simulation process; At last, it provides an approximate solution for exact obstacle-avoiding Euclidean distance transform, the proportional error is less than 3.96%. The proposed method can apply to the fields of shipping routes design, maritime search and rescue, and so on.
    A raster Voronoi diagram generation algorithm based on horizontal-longitudinal scanning
    LIU Qingping, ZHAO Xuesheng, WANG Lei, SUN Wenbin
    2019, 48(3):  393-399.  doi:10.11947/j.AGCS.2019.20180088
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    The Voronoi diagram is an important data structure in computational geometry and has a wide range of applications in many fields. The scan algorithm of raster is an optimization of the Euclidean distance algorithm, which is in line with the discrete features of computers. It is one of the optimal algorithms for the generation of raster Voronoi diagram. However, due to the difference between the grid distance and the Euclidean distance, the ownership of some grids in the scanning process inevitably has some errors, so that the application of the raster Voronoi diagram is limited. In this paper, according to the characteristics of error existing in traditional scanning algorithms, an improved algorithm for the generation of raster Voronoi diagram based on horizontal-longitudinal scanning is proposed. First of all, the causes and the regional distribution characteristics of defects of the traditional scanning algorithm are analyzed in depth. Then, using the 3×3 neighborhood as a template, a vertical scan is added after a horizontal scan. That is to say, the Voronoi diagram can be generated accurately by horizontal and vertical scanning. Finally, different raster data are used to carry out experimental comparison. The results show that the improved algorithm not only has the advantage of efficiency of scanning algorithm, but also solves the error of the original algorithm. It keeps the efficiency while limiting the error to a grid.
    Acquisition and superposition of the high-quality measurement information of multibeam echo sonar and side scan sonar
    YAN Jun
    2019, 48(3):  400-400.  doi:10.11947/j.AGCS.2019.20180130
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    Research on theories and methods of spatial-temporal narrative visualization
    WANG Shuang
    2019, 48(3):  401-401.  doi:10.11947/j.AGCS.2019.20180164
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    Influence of groundwater changes on the measurements of gravity field
    HE Qianqian
    2019, 48(3):  402-402.  doi:10.11947/j.AGCS.2019.20180198
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