Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica

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The consistence between row-wised weighted total lest squares and condition adjustment with parameters


  • Received:2011-01-10 Revised:2011-04-07 Online:2012-02-25 Published:2012-02-25

Abstract: Traditional Least-square adjustment in surveying and mapping fields is based on indirect adjustment model, which are under the facts of a single observation such as angle and distance could be expressed as the explicit function of parameters. In modern surveying technology, coordinates, baselines and point clouds are original observations, the function of the parameters and the observations are usually given in an implicit way, and the function should be linearized as the condition adjustment with parameters. But in most applications, the adjustment are not conducted in this way, the total least squares and the residual error least-squares are often performed to resolve such problems. The consistence between the weighted total least squares and the condition adjustment with parameters are verified in this paper to promote the applications on modern surveying data processing with TLS and its extended models.