Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (10): 1881-1895.doi: 10.11947/j.AGCS.2024.20230263.
• Major Satellite Surveying and Mapping Project “LuTan-1” • Previous Articles
Yunkai DENG(), Yu WANG, Kaiyu LIU, Naiming OU, Dacheng LIU, Heng ZHANG(
), Jili WANG
About author:
DENG Yunkai (1962—), male, researcher, PhD supervisor, majors in the design of spaceborne imaging radar systems, basic imaging theory and microwave remote sensing theory research. E-mail:
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CLC Number:
Yunkai DENG, Yu WANG, Kaiyu LIU, Naiming OU, Dacheng LIU, Heng ZHANG, Jili WANG. Key technologies for spaceborne SAR payload of LuTan-1 satellite system[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2024, 53(10): 1881-1895.
Multi-polarization modes of LT-1"
成像模式 | 分辨率/幅宽 | 极化方式 |
条带模式1 | 3 m (A)×3 m (R)/50 km | 条带模式,双/单基成像,方位双通道,单/双/简缩极化 |
条带模式2 | 12 m (A)×12 m (R)/100 km | 条带模式,单基成像,单/双/简缩极化 |
条带模式3 | 3 m (A)×3 m (R)/50 km | 条带模式,单基成像,方位双通道,双/简缩极化 |
条带模式4 | 6 m (A)×6 m (R)/30 km | 条带模式,单基成像,全极化 |
条带模式5 | 24 m (A)×24 m (R)/160 km | 条带模式,单基成像,单/双/简缩极化 |
扫描模式 | 30 m (A)×30 m (R)/400 km | 扫描模式,方位双通道,单/双/简缩极化 |
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