Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica

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The Necessary and Sufficient Condition of Camera Calibration and Attitude Determination based on Vanishing Points with Their Uncertainty Analysis


  • Received:2012-02-21 Revised:2012-05-14 Online:2012-12-25 Published:2013-04-17


This paper discusses and demonstrates the uncertainty of camera calibration and attitude determination based on three orthogonal vanishing points. The necessary and sufficient condition of parameters determination is given out. Especially, under the condition of joint error distribution of two orthogonal directions vanishing points (VX, VY), how to solve the third vanishing point (VZ) is discussed. Assessment the uncertainties of vanishing points based on relative error ellipse is supplemented. Furthermore, the algorithms of simulating the spatial distribution of the VZ and estimating its area size are presented by Monte-Carlo method. This article is not only enriched the theory and methods of vanishing point, but also reveals the laws and the uncertainty of their spatial distributions, which provides a theoretical basis for studying the universality of vanishing point basic application.

Key words: vanishing point, parameters determination, relative error ellipse, uncertainty, Monte-Carlo method

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