Abstract: Agglomeration operation is a core component of the automated generalization of aggregated area groups with adjacent and compact features. However, the traditional methods are limited to the general conceptual level and cannot support intelligent computer processing. So this paper proposed an automatic recognition and processing method for agglomeration areas in aggregated area groups. Firstly, the bridging area width index (WI), distribution pattern index (DPI), effective connection index (ECI) and overlap index (OI), which represent the typical characteristics of agglomeration area are summarized based on the Gestalt principle, then the agglomeration areas are identified automatically. Secondly, two key algorithms of agglomeration are optimized to achieve automatic processing, including external boundary outlines computation and agglomeration line extraction. Finally, the reliability and efficiency of the proposed method have been validated by using the actual data of topographic map in a typical area of Jiangsu province.

Key words: agglomeration area, Delaunay triangulation network, agglomeration, dilation and erosion transformations, skeleton line correction

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