Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (11): 2189-2200.doi: 10.11947/j.AGCS.2024.20220719
• Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing • Previous Articles
Fengkai LANG1,2(), Suying HE2, Aoshen QIU2, Hongtao SHI2(
), Nanshan ZHENG1,2
Hongtao SHI;
About author:
LANG Fengkai (1987—), male, PhD, associate professor, majors in soil moisture inversion and polarimetric SAR image processing. E-mail:
Supported by:
CLC Number:
Fengkai LANG, Suying HE, Aoshen QIU, Hongtao SHI, Nanshan ZHENG. Soil moisture inversion for high gravel surface with polarimetric SAR imagery[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2024, 53(11): 2189-2200.
Backscattering coefficients of HH before and after vegetation correction, and their corresponding NDVI"
点号 | HH后向散射系数/dB | 初始值 | ||
MWCM | WCM | NDVI | ||
1 | -17.973 | -17.973 | -18.192 | 0.147 |
2 | -14.863 | -14.928 | -19.182 | 0.261 |
3 | -17.744 | -17.744 | -18.209 | 0.055 |
4 | -21.729 | -21.729 | -20.734 | 0.059 |
5 | -18.712 | -18.712 | -18.898 | 0.055 |
6 | -18.123 | -18.123 | -23.586 | 0.098 |
7 | -16.463 | -16.463 | -17.532 | 0.158 |
8 | -15.787 | -15.787 | -22.219 | 0.141 |
9 | -13.842 | -13.876 | -12.830 | 0.227 |
10 | -16.212 | -16.212 | -17.301 | 0.173 |
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