Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (11): 2053-2063.doi: 10.11947/j. AGCS.2024.20240109.
• Cartography and Geoinformation • Previous Articles
Huayi WU1,2(), Anqi ZHAO1, Jianyuan LIANG1(
), Shuyang HOU1
Jianyuan LIANG;
About author:
WU Huayi (1966—), male, professor, majors in geographic information service, analysis and mining. E-mail:
Supported by:
CLC Number:
Huayi WU, Anqi ZHAO, Jianyuan LIANG, Shuyang HOU. Five-layer hierarchical network (5-HiNet) of geospatial information service for AIGC of geographic analysis model[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2024, 53(11): 2053-2063.
Main relationships in each layer of the 5-HiNet"
网络层级 | 实体类型 | 关系三元组 |
需求描述子网络 | 需求描述DescReq、主题Theme数据源、DataSource | <DescReq,涉及,Theme> |
<DescReq,依赖于,DataSource> | ||
<DescReq1,等效,DescReq2> | ||
<DescReq1,包含,DescReq2> | ||
抽象模型子网络 | 抽象模型Abs Model | <Abs Model1,需求相似,Abs Model2> |
<Abs Model1,结构相似,Abs Model2> | ||
<Abs Model1,协作,Abs Model2> | ||
<Abs Model1,包含,Abs Model2> | ||
功能模块子网络 | 功能模块Mod Unit | <Mod Unit1,调用,Mod Unit2> |
<Mod Unit1,相似,Mod Unit2> | ||
<Mod Unit1,包含,Mod Unit2> | ||
服务接口子网络 | 服务接口ServiceInt | <ServiceInt1,匹配,ServiceInt2> |
<ServiceInt1,包含,ServiceInt2> | ||
<ServiceInt1,竞争,ServiceInt2> | ||
函数实例子网络 | 函数实例FunctionInst | <FunctionInst1,必要连接,FunctionInst2> |
<FunctionInst1,补充连接,FunctionInst2> |
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