Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (9): 1817-1828.doi: 10.11947/j.AGCS.2024.20220720
• Cartography and Geoinformation • Previous Articles
Wanzeng LIU1,2,3(), Hang CHEN2,4, Jiaxin REN2,5(
), Zhaojiang ZHANG4, Ran LI1,2,3, Tingting ZHAO1,2,3, Xi ZHAI1,2,3, Xiuli ZHU1,2,3
Jiaxin REN;
About author:
LIU Wanzeng (1970—), male, PhD, professorate senior engineer, majors in spatio-temporal knowledge service. E-mail:
Supported by:
CLC Number:
Wanzeng LIU, Hang CHEN, Jiaxin REN, Zhaojiang ZHANG, Ran LI, Tingting ZHAO, Xi ZHAI, Xiuli ZHU. Research on knowledge extraction from street scene images based on hybrid intelligence[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2024, 53(9): 1817-1828.
Street scene prior knowledge optimization for alleviating over-segmentation of background instances caused by occlusion"
知识编号 | 知识描述 | 启发 |
知识1 | 建筑物、植被等目标较大的面目标,只有足够长度的目标,才会导致同一目标分割成多个连通域 | 需重点关注标志杆等具有足够长度的显著目标 |
知识2 | 人行道、绿化带等线状目标紧邻道路,容易被道路上的车辆及行人遮挡 | 人的目标相对较小,需重点关注汽车 |
知识3 | 汽车为动态目标,与其他目标的空间关系是可变的;而标志杆为静态目标,与其他目标的空间关系是固定的 | 不同类型的目标需要用不同的方法进行优化,如标志杆选择影像中最显著的实例即可,而汽车由于位置不固定,则需要综合考虑所有汽车实例的影响 |
知识4 | 以影像拍摄地点为起点,距离越远越容易发生遮挡 | 需更加关注远处的目标 |
知识5 | 足够长或足够宽的后景目标会因为遮挡而被分割成多个连通域 | 较小的目标往往被完全遮挡,无法在影像上体现 |
输入:标注目标a,标注目标b | |||
输出:Left, Right, Front, Behind, Attched | |||
function Rule1(a,b) | |||
begin | |||
for i:=0 down to m | |||
begin | |||
if x1>x2 then | |||
begin | |||
Left(a,b)=True | |||
end; | |||
else if x1<x2 then | |||
begin | |||
Right(a,b)=True | |||
end; | |||
else if d1<d2 then | |||
begin | |||
Front(a,b)=True | |||
end | |||
else if d1>d2 then | |||
begin | |||
Behind(a,b)=True | |||
end; | |||
else if x1=x2 and d1=d2 then | |||
begin | |||
Attched(a,b)=True | |||
end; | |||
end; | |||
end; | |||
return Left, Right, Front, Behind, Attched |
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