Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica ›› 2022, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (6): 862-872.doi: 10.11947/j.AGCS.2022.20220098
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GUO Huadong1,2,3, WU Wenjin1,2, ZHANG Ke1,2,3, LI Xinwu1,2
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GUO Huadong, WU Wenjin, ZHANG Ke, LI Xinwu. New generation SAR for Earth environment observation[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2022, 51(6): 862-872.
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[1] | JIANG Bitao. The development and prospect of China's space earth observation technology [J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2022, 51(7): 1153-1159. |
[2] | HE Xiufeng, GAO Zhuang, XIAO Ruya, LUO Haibin, JIA Dongzhen, ZHANG Zhetao. Application and prospect of the integration of InSAR and BDS/GNSS for land surface deformation monitoring [J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2022, 51(7): 1338-1355. |
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