Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (7): 1336-1344.doi: 10.11947/j.AGCS.2024.20230046
• Marine Survey • Previous Articles Next Articles
Baojin LI1(), Shuqiang XUE1,2(
), Wenzhou SUN2, Jingsen LI1, Anmin ZENG2, Jiachao BIAN1
Shuqiang XUE;
About author:
LI Baojin (1998—), male, master, majors in marine geodesy. E-mail:
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CLC Number:
Baojin LI, Shuqiang XUE, Wenzhou SUN, Jingsen LI, Anmin ZENG, Jiachao BIAN. Acoustic ray error minimization criteria and genetic algorithm for simplifying sound velocity profile[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2024, 53(7): 1336-1344.
SVPs from different methods"
层数 | MOV简化剖面 | 面积差简化剖面 | 遗传算法简化剖面 | |||
深度/m | 声速/(m/s) | 深度/m | 声速/(m/s) | 深度/m | 声速/(m/s) | |
1 | 6.02 | 1 544.52 | 6.02 | 1 544.52 | 6.02 | 1 544.52 |
2 | 39.53 | 1 544.67 | 48 | 1 536.22 | 153.27 | 1 509.13 |
3 | 41.96 | 1 540.63 | 85 | 1 520.24 | 172.17 | 1 507.51 |
4 | 44.72 | 1 539.72 | 159 | 1 508.55 | 281.83 | 1 498.79 |
5 | 54.63 | 1 532.55 | 233 | 1 502.73 | 434.75 | 1 492.65 |
6 | 84.48 | 1 520.44 | 307 | 1 497.89 | 510.84 | 1 490.98 |
7 | 101.54 | 1 516.22 | 456 | 1 492.13 | 537.89 | 1 489.76 |
8 | 166.87 | 1 507.62 | 604 | 1 488.96 | 763.06 | 1 485.94 |
9 | 197.75 | 1 505.38 | 753 | 1 486.14 | 812.98 | 1 485.59 |
10 | 199.24 | 1 506.24 | 901 | 1 484.79 | 897.61 | 1 484.79 |
11 | 200.86 | 1 504.95 | 1049 | 1 484.37 | 1 198.52 | 1 483.90 |
12 | 219.29 | 1 504.37 | 1197 | 1 483.88 | 1 313.97 | 1 484.32 |
13 | 265.59 | 1 499.77 | 1332 | 1 484.38 | 1 449.13 | 1 485.43 |
14 | 434.75 | 1 492.65 | 1466 | 1 485.62 | 1 613.18 | 1 487.21 |
15 | 539.73 | 1 489.67 | 1735 | 1 488.77 | 1 793.56 | 1 489.50 |
16 | 778.13 | 1 485.63 | 2004 | 1 492.47 | 1 989.93 | 1 492.24 |
17 | 1 197.71 | 1 483.88 | 2273 | 1 496.64 | 2 290.49 | 1 496.89 |
18 | 1 608.47 | 1 487.13 | 2632 | 1 502.55 | 2 353.63 | 1 497.91 |
19 | 2 301.04 | 1 497.04 | 2991 | 1 508.63 | 2 444.25 | 1 499.40 |
20 | 3 269.72 | 1 513.35 | 3 269.72 | 1 513.35 | 3 269.72 | 1 513.35 |
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