Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica ›› 2024, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (12): 2361-2374.doi: 10.11947/j.AGCS.2024.20230497
• Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing • Previous Articles
Qihao CHEN1(), Guangchao LI1, Wenjing CAO1,2(
), Xiuguo LIU1
Wenjing CAO;
About author:
CHEN Qihao (1982—), male, PhD, associate professor, majors in synthetic aperture radar remote sensing information extraction and application. E-mail:
Supported by:
CLC Number:
Qihao CHEN, Guangchao LI, Wenjing CAO, Xiuguo LIU. Cropland intensity extraction combined using optical and SAR time-series in cloudy and rainy areas of southern China[J]. Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica, 2024, 53(12): 2361-2374.
Tab. 2
Precision of cropland intensity extraction results for different schemes in Honghu city"
方案 | 单季_PA/(%) | 单季_UA/(%) | 双季_PA/(%) | 双季_UA/(%) | 三季_PA/(%) | 三季_UA/(%) | OA/(%) | Kappa |
方案1 | 96.40 | 63.77 | 67.82 | 97.72 | 73.93 | 99.79 | 77.76 | 0.60 |
方案2 | 98.77 | 63.89 | 69.81 | 97.72 | 75.33 | 99.79 | 79.88 | 0.63 |
方案3 | 93.74 | 83.92 | 90.41 | 95.43 | 77.44 | 99.63 | 91.14 | 0.82 |
本文方法 | 94.07 | 85.66 | 91.59 | 95.70 | 78.30 | 99.90 | 92.02 | 0.84 |
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